Next good patch should be appointing a Public Relations staffer or... I think coding in realistic restraints where someone doesn't have to be subdued to be restrained would be nice. Like when you're in prison the templar just hands you those shackle item and says put those on, but they're just for show.
or make it a usable command for anyone holding rope binds or shackles that ur vic can opt to resist or not (nosave subdue, or arrest if u only are letting law pcs do it). take a few hp or stun pts taken from either party depending on the results if they resist.
success or failure can be based on plugging in the perps subdue skill + str + agi + offense against the vics flee skill + str + agi + defense. maybe include size into the equation. + bonus to the perp if vic is sitting or resting
also like jesh said adding a few other ways of controlling ur vic aside from shackling/binding (blindfolding, gagging etc) but have them all covered under nosave subdue and (and arrest for law pcs). if u have it off and a non law pc tries to do any of them to u in a lawful zone they get automatic crimflag just like they tried to subdue u when ur awake
other players can unbind, break shackles, or unlock/pick shackles and remove blindfolds and gags on another pc if that pc has nosave subdue/arrest on or is asleep. seated/resting vics get a big penalty to resisting those attempts
gagging can only be attempted if the resisting vic is sleeping, subdued, or already bound by the wrists. nosave vics will be gagged regardless
binds can be broken out of/surpassed or not based on the quality of the items against the vics str agi + sleightofhand skill. if sleightofhand or agi checks thru they can escape w/o breaking the binds. only str is rolled in for breaking out of lockable shackles, and with high-quality shackles made of stronger materials pick is ur only option. limit production of these to law or slaver orgs
after picking or unlocking shackles they stay on along with the penalties until they are physically removed by the vic or another pc via nosave subdue/arrest. when a law pc (or some criminal lucky enough to acquire the law shackles) successfully binds someone with shackles they automatically lock
when wrists are secured ur char cant get items from worn or held containers or draw weapons etc w/o using palming, which should be reduced in skill when wrist shackled and incur a little mv damage when it fails. a more observant shackler may notice if the vic been really exerting themselves when they were left alone.
if ur wrists are bound shackled u can still can pick up items from the ground but ur item inventory limit is reduced bigtime. if u have a weapon or hard/sharp object in ur inventory u can hold or dw it for defense or for an extra boost to breaking ankle shackles.
blindfolds and gags can be removed by the vic unless they are wristbound (playability over realism here) or subdued
shackles or binds can be applied to wrists or ankles as separate wear locs (binding the wrists or binding the ankles). same possibly with gags and blindfolds (over mouth and over eyes) for playability and multifunction purpose (being able to be blinded and gagged). alternate idea for gags and blindfolds is just adding two extra 'on face' slots that can be used for any object. if slots are taken by other items, can be removed when awake and resisting (nosave steal) vic is subdued (not sure if code supports this yet) or wristshackled
if their ankles are shackled or bound they will almost always trip when attempting to run (drunk code at max, say) and sneak skill is neg effected. if wrists arent also shackled vic can untie binds and break ankle shackles more easily using blunt or sharp objects depending on quality and material of shackles or binds. all attempts take off movement pts and even more for trying to break shackles
if vic is seated or resting give them adjusted drunk code for standing, with it being more difficult if both wrists and ankles are bound. being blindfolded adds to this penalty. use agi in the save throw